The Chicago Community Trust

2024-2025 Sponsorship/Advertising Opportunities

CEPC 2024 - 2025 Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities

Click on CEPC Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunites above if you are interested in becoming a sponsor or want more information about the benefits of sponsorship.

Sponsor Levels and Benefits 

Diamond = $9,000+

Ruby = $5,500+

Platinum = $4,000+

Double Gold = $3,000+

Double Silver = $2,000+

Gold = $1,500+

Bronze = $750+

CEPC schedules ten (10) virtual educational programs each year. Current average attendance is 225. Assignment of a program is done by a ‘lottery’ system. Each Sponsor will be emailed a list of the upcoming Virtual Monthly Program Schedule (dates, topics, speakers) and the sponsor lists the order of preference for each topic using 1-10 (1 being most preferred).

Workshops - CEPC schedules at least four (4) quarterly Workshops on various topics.
Current average attendance 25-60.


Each year, the CEPC presents a five-part Fundamentals Course designed to provide beginning estate planning professionals (0-5 years experience) with a deep introduction to the essential components of trust and estate planning and administration. In addition to junior estate planning professionals, experienced practitioners looking to bolster their trust and estate knowledge and skills are also welcome to attend.

Breakfast and Evening Networking Events are scheduled throughout the year.
In November, members are encouraged to invite guests from the charitable planning community and in April members are encouraged to invite guests that are potential CEPC members.
Additional networking events may be held for members only. Current average attendance: 60

Diversity - $1,000

Panel discussions are scheduled throughout the year at area Universities' law, finance, business schools; Zoom programs and Public Outreach Initiatives

Emerging Leaders CEPC offers the CEPC Emerging Leaders (“EL”) Program. The goal of the program is to give individuals with less that 2 years experience in the estate planning field substantive mentoring and an opportunity to become involved in the work and future leadership of the CEPC. In the 2023 class, the CEPC Board and its Diversity Committee will select participants for the EL program for a 24-month term that will begin in August 2022 and conclude in July 2024. Emerging leaders are invited to attend select educational and networking events at no charge. This is a total of $2,000 with a two-year commitment. You will be billed $1,000 each year.

Your firm is given an advertisement, of your design, in the 2023-2024 Digital CEPC Membership Directory. This directory is emailed to our over 690 CEPC members.

Full Page - $750 Dimensions (8 1/2" x 11 1/2")

Half Page - $500 Dimensions (7 1/2" x 4 1/2")

Quarter Page - $250 Dimensions (3 5/8" x 4 1/2")

This event is scheduled for Monday, August 19, 2024 at Ravinia Green Country Club in Riverwoods, IL. Members and their guests are invited to attend this event.
Current average attendance: 150