
Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

CEPC is happy to offer a job and resume posting board for our members and greater estate planning community. See below for the full policy and how to submit a job posting or resume. 

Career Opportunities - Job Postings:

Career Opportunities - Resume Postings:

Post a Job or Resume

Please contact Kathleen Callahan at for more information or to post a job or resume.

Job and Resume Posting Policy

Our general policy for job postings is that the positions be either from member firms or from other non-members with a relevant connection to our industry.

Job postings are free to CEPC members and their firms. All postings will be removed after 90 days unless a specific timeframe is requested.

Resume posting is free to any CEPC members seeking a position in the estate planning industry.

Resume posting is not available to non-members.

The submission must be in Word or PDF format as the firm wishes it to appear and emailed to CEPC for distribution and website posting.

Information for the job posting will be displayed and used in its exact form submitted. Before submitting, please verify that all information is accurate and correct. By submitting a job posting, firm agrees not to hold CEPC responsible for errors submitted in this form. Accuracy is the responsibility of the individual/employer posting the position.

All listings will be removed within the specified time, unless the position is filled sooner

CEPC reserves the right to remove a job posting or refuse to post a position at any time.  Please note that contact regarding any of the positions displayed should be made directly with the hiring firm indicated and not with CEPC.

 Any misrepresentation of a position posted and/or the employer will result in the immediate removal of the job posting and will disqualify the individual/employer from further participation in the CEPC job posting board.

The content of the job postings submitted by employers are not drafted or otherwise independently verified by CEPC board members, and confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.