Northern Trust

A Panel Discussion "Modern Philanthropy: Planning, Giving and Governance

Date: Thursday, October 16, 2014
Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Location: The Standard Club, 320 S. Plymouth Court, 5th Floor Ballroom, Chicago, IL
Speaker: Moderator Jason Baxendale, The Chicago Community Trust; Denise Chan, University of Chicago; Norah Jones, Qualres & Brady; Jim Raaf, WTAS

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CEPC members are encouraged to invite the CEO, Executive Director, or other charitable organization professional, from a charity for which they serve on the board or otherwise support or volunteer, to this luncheon and to a networking event on November 3rd.

These guests will be allowed to attend both the luncheon and the networking evening event at the member rate. 

This will be an excellent opportunity for everyone to interact as the peak charitable giving season begins.  




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