Northern Trust

2014 Recent Developments

Date: Thursday, February 19, 2015
Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Location: The Standard Club, 320 S. Plymouth Court, 5th Floor Ballroom, Chicago, IL
Speaker: Robert E. Hamilton, Hamilton Thies & Lorch LLP

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This program is pending approval for one (1) credit hour for  CLE, Insurance, CFP and CPA.


Please join us on February 19, 2015 when Robert E. Hamilton, Hamilton Thies & Lorch, LLP will discuss recent Federal and Illinois estate tax issues.  Bob will discuss recent cases involving valuation issues, recent rulings and regulations, and planning and drafting issues arising from IRS challenges to self-cancelling installment note transactions and sales to defective trusts.  In addition, Bob will highlight the many legislative changes to Illinois law, and discuss selected Illinois cases.


Robert E. Hamilton is a partner with Hamilton Thies & Lorch, LLP, a Chicago firm concentrating in the areas of estate planning, business succession planning and wealth preservation.  He is a fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, a past chairman of Division A (estate and gift tax) of the Federal Tax Committee for the Chicago Bar Association, and was an adjunct faculty member teaching estate and gift tax at the DePaul University School of Law from 1992-1997.  He has lectured and written extensively for the Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education ("IICLE"), for which he was a member of the Board of Directors from 1996-2005, and a past Chairman.  He received his Juris Doctor in 1975 from the Georgetown University Law Center, and was graduated in 1972 from the College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts with a Bachelor of Arts in English, cum laude.  He has been honored to receive two awards:  the Austin Fleming Distinguished Service Award from the Chicago Estate Planning Council in 2006 and the Addis E. Hull Award for career-long excellence in continuing legal education from IICLE in 2008.

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