Northern Trust

CEPC Breakfast Workshop - Individual Retirement Accounts: Rules of the Road & Bumps Along the Way

Date: Thursday, June 23, 2016
Time: 8:30am - 9:30am
Location: The Northern Trust, 50 S. LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL
Speaker: Svetlana Bekman, The Northern Trust Company

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Join us for a networking and learning breakfast Workshop with Svetlana Bekman, of The Northern Trust Company to discuss “Individual Retirement Accounts: Rules of the Road & Bumps Along the Way.”

This presentation will focus on the life cycle of Individual Retirement Accounts - identifying issues that arise throughout an owner’s life, disability and death - with discussion of the applicable rules and tips for tackling special problems that may arise.

The workshop will be limited to 30 attendees, so register early.  If you have not already registered for this event, please register today.  Deadline for registration is June 16th.

The Workshop is sponsored by The Northern Trust Company.


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