Business Valuation Group

Underperforming Life Insurance….How We Got There and What To Do Now

Date: Monday, February 6, 2017
Time: 11:45am - 1:30pm
Location: CTCmyCFO (BMO), 111 W. Monroe Street, Chicago, IL
Speaker: Larry Herman, Herman Agency, Inc.

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A boxed lunch will be provided.

Many long-time owners of permanent life insurance policies have been surprised to learn in recent years that their policies are not performing as intended.   Many other policy owners are simply unaware that their policies are also lagging expectations.

The most understood cause of this underperformance has been a steady decline in interest rates over the last few decades.  But other less appreciated factors include skipped or reduced premium payments, policy loans, and increased insurance policy charges.  Collectively, these and other factors have and will continue to frustrate policy owner objectives.

This presentation will address these issues, and will help you to understand and quantify the performance deficit.  It will also explore potential remedies.  

The presentation will also cover “best practices” for managing existing and newly acquired policies to minimize the likelihood of future surprises from policies, so that the life insurance will do the job it was intended…. To provide valuable benefits at a time of need.

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