Choices of Entity in Light of 2017 Tax Law Changes

Please note that online registration is closed. On-site registrations will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. You will want to arrive by 11:45 a.m. and if space is available, you will be seated at 12:10 p.m.
The program is pending approval for one (1) general credit hour for CFP, CLE, CPA, CTFA and Insurance.
2017 tax reform drastically lowered corporate tax rates but also provided some relief for owners of pass-through entities. Please join us when Steven Gorin will review strategies that estate planning advisors should discuss with clients about these changes, starting with basics that you should know, then building up to important strategic issues. Attendees will receive electronic access to a few hundred pages in supporting materials and be offered a free PDF of over 1,700 pages of technical materials regarding income tax and estate planning issues involved in structuring privately-owned businesses.