The Chicago Community Trust

Workshop: Supplemental Needs Planning

Date: Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Time: 8:30am - 9:30am
Location: Mesirow Financial, 353 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL
Speaker: Larry Rivkin, Rivkin & Rivkin

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A Question and Answer Session will follow

The presentation will provide an overview of planning for a child with special needs.  We will begin with a summary of means-tested public benefits and then review various planning options to preserve eligibility such benefits in connection with estate planning, including third party supplemental needs trusts, first-party supplemental needs trusts, pooled trusts, and ABLE accounts.  We will discuss the primary terms of supplemental needs trusts, common drafting issues and pitfalls with such trusts, coordinating them with primary estate planning documents, assorted related tax, funding, and other implementation issues, and special planning situations.  We will conclude with some helpful resources related to supplemental needs planning.


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