
Workshop - Estate Planning for the Modern Family

Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Time: 9:00am - 11:30am
Location: BMO Wealth Management, 115 S. LaSalle Street, 3rd Floor Global Conference Room, Chicago
Speaker: Kim Kamin, Gresham Partners; Steven Kriz, Levenfeld Pearlstein; Stacy Singer, The Northern Trust Company

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Course Level: Basic to Intermediate

Estate Planning for the Modern Family

As the structure and composition of the modern family has evolved, estate planning advisors must be prepared for sensitivity in client engagement, how to interpret existing trusts, and appropriate drafting of new instruments. This presentation will discuss a potpourri of important planning considerations with a focus on marital status, defining descendants, addressing LGBTQ needs, and religious considerations.”

This presentation will review Terminology to use with LGBTQ individuals, families, and extended family; considerations when drafting estate documents for LGBTQ persons and families; religious considerations when drafting and administering estate plans; and issues that arise for non-traditional families and resolutions.

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