
Closing the Generation Gap: Effective Communication Strategies to Bridge Generational Difference

Date: Thursday, September 10, 2020
Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Location: Zoom
Speaker: Dr. Arin N. Reeves

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This course has been appoved for CLE Diversity and Inclusion credit; and general credit for CFP.

This course is pending approval for ethics credit for CPE, Insurance, CPWA and CTFA

This virtual presentation uses research, best practices and practical advice on how to recognize and address generational differences within your organization and in your client relationships. Whether seeking developmental feedback, serving and/or developing clients of all generations, and building networks with peers, you will develop skills to bridge generational differences and drive more effective interactions and relationships. Topics will include exploration of the impact of five different generations working together in today's global market, the sources of generational differences, and the key communication points within organizations such as providing/receiving feedback, mentoring, informal and formal evaluations, and communicating where these differences make a big difference. The presentation will also cover strategies to bridge these generational gaps in interpersonal communications, organizational communications, and external communications.

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