IN PERSON MONTHLY PROGRAM - The Role of the Attorney General in Charitable Trusts, Estates and Fiduciary Litigation
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We will be meeting in person for this program.
We encourage our members to invite the CEO, Executive Director, or other professional from
a Charitable organization, for which they serve on the board or otherwise support or
In addition, your guest(s) will be able to write a brief description of their organizations that
will be included in a listing that will be distributed to the CEPC members in
attendance. Deadline for descriptions is October 13th. The pdf or word document should be no longer
than one page and include the organization’s logo and contact information. The document can
be in color as well.
The presentation will include an overview of the process used by the Office of the Attorney General for
administering the Illinois Estate and Generation Skipping Transfer Tax. There will be commentary
on where preparers have erred on tax returns and some advice on how to avoid these pitfalls. The
session will continue with coverage of the historical role of the Illinois Attorney General at common
law in fiduciary litigation involving charitable trusts. There will be a discussion of the main types of
fiduciary cases where the Attorney General’s office is a necessary party and tips on how a
practitioner can work with the Charitable Trust Bureau on these cases. There will also be an
analysis of the current trends in fiduciary litigation, particularly with the passage of the Illinois
Trust Code which took effect on January 1, 2020.